Phew we made it, well sort of

Well we made it…sort of unharmed! Thanksgiving done, Christmas/Hanukkah or whatever you celebrate done, and Sundance is donedance! I have to admit the last 2 1/2 months are somewhat of a blur, just when I thought I had it all handled something new was thrown in my lap. I am not complaining but sometimes I just want to take a breath and have a peaceful moment to myself but running two businesses myself and helping with my partners business and chasing after two busy daughters those moments are few and far between! I literally fall into bed some nights from exhaustion and don’t take just 5 minutes for me like washing my face or reading a book and you know what, that will wear you out. You know how people are always saying you have to take care of a relationship go on date nights or go away just the two of you? Well the same goes for you take care of yourself even if it is just for a few minutes a night. I love taking care of other people whether I am helping you with your dream room or making your skin glow for your special day it really does make me happy. But if I am not taking care of me then I am no good for you and neither are you. So do yourself a favor give yourself 5 minutes every day, wash your face, paint your nails, stretch, talk to your mom or best friend just do something you will thank yourself for it….