
Spring is a time of renewal opening up our windows on our lives and homes. We tend to go through our clothes, our houses and our lives to un-bury ourselves from the dullness of winter and relish in open doors, shorts and sunshine.

RENEW yourself!! It is time to get outside breathe the fresh air and soak up the sunshine. Take a hike a couple days a week to renew your natural vitamin D and get fresh air it is scientifically proven to improve your mood!

REFRESH anything!!! Take a look at what is keeping you down. Is it your weight, your skin, your junk drawer, your closet or????? What ever it is tackle it one step at a time. Make an end game plan what do you want when you are done with refreshing? Do you want to loose weight have better skin (you call me of course!) clean a drawer, a closet or even your whole house? So if I want to loose weight I would start by making a plan of how much weight I wanted to loose or what size I want to be. Once I have established the end result I work backwards to see how to best achieve that goal. Is it to enlist a good app, a trainer, a nutritionist etc….. we have all been here before so we probably know what doesn’t work so try something new that might work better. Keto? Fasting? Low Carb? Eat healthy but workout more? Calorie Cutting? There are so many diets out there that work for so many but might not work for you so be real with yourself and answer the hard questions! This is true for anything you want to refresh start with the end goal then work backward the best way to get there take small steps and do the research it will make getting to your goal so much easier.

REDESIGN….your home!!! Do you have a nook a room or your whole house looking for an update? If you have maxed out your design intelligence and just don’t know what to do you can always call a professional (hint, hint!) but you can make some small impactful changes without breaking the budget. Changing pillows, throws, accent pieces and paint are easy places to start. Just by changing a few pillows out can change the whole look of your family/living room. If you have a dark colored couch maybe go with something brighter to brighten up your room and if your couch is lighter go for something complimentary darker color. Add some throws and some new art in unexpected places and Voila room refreshed!

Now it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t plug myself a little so if you need help with any of the above contact me! Contact Me